Institution: Algonquin College
Course: GAM1540-Game Programming III
Date: Fall 2015
Platform: PC/Mac
Programming Language: C++
Starting with a non-functional framework of The Legend of Zelda (NES), we were tasked to create a working version of the Zelda game with a level editor. The emphasis of the project was in implementing the AI, with different states and A* pathfinding; creating a level editor that could read/write save files, and supported multiple tile types; and implementing randomized enemy drops; all of these, besides the basic game functionality.
This was made with a custom C++ game engine, GameDev2D, developed by Bradley Flood, a course instructor at Algonquin College.
Some of the features implemented for this project were:
The main game has the same basic game mechanics of the original The Legend of Zelda (NES, 1986).